Consulting & design
Introductory Consultation
Looking to reduce the greenhouse gases and monetize the waste, flare gas, organic residues, and industrial waste but not sure where to turn? Need help defining the best technical and economical alternative for your next project?
Let us guide you. Building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions about the environment and the business.
Feasibility Studies
Analyze single or various input feedstocks, flare gas, or organic waste, along with desired resultant products, as in Biofuels, Phenolics, Biochar, etc.
Kankmo Consulting conducts complete conceptual engineering and close loop economic analysis including Capex, Opex, Logistics, Financial Model related to commercialization of output products.
We can review and advise on all related Balance of Plant and Auxiliary Services.
Engineering Design
Kankmo Consulting selects appropriate technology, including engineering review, supplier recommendation, turnkey installation, commissioning, operation, and training.
We develop FEED, FEEL engineering to produce Biofuels, including the processing of Biogas into biofuels (BTX) as Methane) or conversion to liquid forms, like Methanol, DME, etc. Also, all related Balance of Plant and Auxiliary Services, including appropriate Power Generation using these fuels, gas compression, LNG, etc.