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sue espinosa bio

Sue has worked in the energy industry for over 20 years, including extensive experience in managing complex EPC/EPCM projects, financial area, and with a solid technical background in directing and executing end-to-end projects in the energy industry,  LNG, LPG, Methanol, Power Generation, Gas Processing, Biomass and Bioenergy aiming to monetize the waste from flare gas and organic residues.

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Technical Director of a 1.2 Billion USD Energy Efficency Program for the oil and gas fields in South America. This program included about 100 different projects to optimize energy production, electrical transmission, and distribution, making oil production cost-efficient abd environmentally friendly.


During the last five years Sue has managed her ownconsulting company with firm conviction that the protection of our planet and the decline of greenhouse gases are not contrary to developing profitable projects. Sue is graduated Electronic engeneer from University Javeriana of Colombia with master´s in bussiness administration from University of Francisco de Vitoria of Spain, master{s in project managementy and Finances from Business School ADEN, and Project Manager Professional (PMP) from Project Management Institute (PMI).

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